Canoe Camping
General information
Canoe Camping is a campsite in Līgatne, located a river/stream.The campsite has pitches without shade and pitches with some shade.
Canoe Camping is a campsite in Līgatne, located a river/stream.The campsite has pitches without shade and pitches with some shade.
This inspector visits Canoe Camping every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Travelling party: Single
Sehr schöner OUTDOOR-Platz in absoluter Ruhe am Fluss Gauja.
Vermietung von Kanus und Kajaks, Organisation von Touren. Duschen heiß und Toiletten ok und sauber, aber recht einfach. In Ligatne kleiner Krämerladen und das \"Zeit-Hotel\" mit bester Versorgung. Sehr schöne Umgebung mit Wander- und Radwegen z.B. nach Sigulda.(Achtung Schotterstraßen dazwischen).
Ein Platz, an dem man auch länger bleiben kann, zur Empfehlung!
** Amenities in bold we know are not included in the overnight price and that there will be additional charges for them. Please note that some non-bold amenities may also incur additional costs.
Would you like to book Canoe Camping or request more information? You can do both using the information below.
The contact form can be found below.
Your request will be sent on to Canoe Camping. All further correspondence will be between you and the campsite directly.
After completing the contact form, you will receive an email with a confirmation link. To finalise your request, we ask that you click on the link.