Camping Kervilor ****
France › Brittany › Morbihan
France - Brittany - Morbihan - Carnac
France - Brittany - Morbihan - Damgan
France - Brittany - Morbihan - Quiberon
France - Brittany - Morbihan - Vannes
France - Brittany - Morbihan - Erdeven
France - Brittany - Morbihan - Ambon
Would you like to know what other campers thought about this holiday destination? Then read their reviews about this region below. Morbihan
Many attraction easily accessible, close to beautiful beaches and countryside.
Not as close to Vannes as I thought it would be - a bit out in the sticks, no shops or village close by.
There is a beach..... but not one to write home about. THe town is a drive away and was fine but again, nothing special