Autocamp iCamp
General information
Autocamp iCamp is a campsite in Visoko.The campsite has pitches without shade and pitches with some shade.
Autocamp iCamp is a campsite in Visoko.The campsite has pitches without shade and pitches with some shade.
This inspector visits Autocamp iCamp every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Travelling party: Couple
Super fijn gehad bij Mirza en zijn gezin. Ontzettend aardig en lief, willen alles voor je doen. We kregen iedere ochtend verse broodjes..heerlijk uit de steenoven.
Spreken perfect Engels. Wij komen zeker terug!
Travelling party: Couple
Heerlijk verblijf we stonden er 7 nachten en vandaaruit maakten we verschillende tripjes o.a. naar Sarajevo en Varres.
** Amenities in bold we know are not included in the overnight price and that there will be additional charges for them. Please note that some non-bold amenities may also incur additional costs.
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