How to combat mosquitos at the campsite
3 October, 2022
You just got into bed and you hear the familiar buzz of a mosquito in your tent. You might as well turn your flashlight on because there is nothing more bothersome than an itchy mosquito bite. We have collected several tips for you. How to keep mosquitos away. What to do about itchy mosquito bites.

It is not nice to be bothered by mosquitos at the campsite.
What attracts mosquitos?
Many people think that mosquitos are attracted to light, but that is not the case. Mosquitos are nocturnal and only become active around the time that we turn on the lights. This makes it seem like mosquitos are attracted to light, but that is not so. Mosquitos navigate to their victims by following their nose. The insects can smell the carbon dioxide that people breathe and that is what attracts them. Other body odours also play a role in this. Apparently, a mosquito can smell its next victim from 20 metres away. How to influence your own body odour is still a mystery.
Mosquitos at the campsite
Mosquitos are almost impossible to escape at the campsite. There is a very good chance of being bothered by mosquitos if you camp in the area of stagnant water since mosquitos lay their eggs in water. Most mosquitos remain in an area within 1.5 kilometres of where they were born. Thus the closer you camp to the water, the greater the chance that mosquitos will bother you. This is especially true at twilight because that is when most mosquitos become active. Male mosquitos are not the problem – it is only the females that bite. Unfortunately, you cannot tell by the buzz whether or not you must be concerned.

How to combat mosquitos
How to combat mosquitos at the campsite
There are many tips for combatting mosquitos. There are even special apps that claim to keep mosquitos away by emitting a high-pitched beep. Studies have shown that these apps do not work. According to researchers, special lamps that emit a high tone do not work either. We have selected things for you that do work.
A screen on the doors and windows
If there is no mosquito is your tent, motorhome or caravan, you will not get bitten. You sleep much better if the bugs are kept out, which is what installing a screen does if you are consistent in closing it. Tents also have screens to keep mosquitos out.
Keep the zipper to the inner tent closed
Most tents have a separate sleeping area with a screen. Keep this closed as much as possible to keep the mosquitos out of the sleeping area. At least then you will not be bitten while you are dreaming blissfully.
Use a fly swatter
If a mosquito has gotten into the caravan despite your best efforts, you can haul the old reliable fly swatter out of the cupboard. Choose an old-fashioned plastic model or use an electric fly-swatter. Turn on the light and use your ears to figure out where the mosquito is. If you keep all windows and doors closed, no new mosquitos can enter.
A mosquito lamp
There are special lamps that attract bugs and electrocute them when the bug touches the lamp. The insect lamp is effective, but you will hear a noise when an insect is killed. And you may smell a burning odour.
The chemical product DEET is often recommended for repelling mosquitos. Please note that there are varying reactions to this product. DEET can cause irritation and there are experts who suggest that it may cause damage to the nervous system. Other scientists state that it can cause no harm. In any case, we recommend being careful.
Fight mosquitos with fire and smoke
Mosquitos hate fire and smoke. To keep them at bay, you could keep the camp fire or barbecue going all evening. If you sit in the smoke, the mosquitos will leave you alone. The question is whether you will be happy sitting in the smoke all evening.
Holiday in Sweden? Camp close to the sea
Scandinavia is known for its mosquitos, but there are considerably less mosquitos along the Swedish coast than in the interior or the far north. Finland and Norway have less mosquitos along the coast as well. This is mostly because of the wind. There are plenty of mosquitos to be found around the lakes.
Camping in the spring, autumn or winter
If you really want to avoid mosquitos at the campsite, it is best to go camping when they are not active. Mosquitos are most active in July and August, as are most campers. Perhaps camping in the winter is something for you. Guaranteed you will not be bothered by any mosquitos during the coldest months of the year.

Itchy mosquito bites
What to do for itchy mosquito bites
An itchy mosquito bite is very irritating and can drive you crazy. However tempting it is to scratch, it is still better not to do so. It is better to cool the mosquito bite or apply a salve like aloe vera for skin irritation. If you experience serious complaints because of a mosquito bite, you can consult a physician.
Your tips for combatting mosquitos
On our Facebook page and Instagram feed, we asked for your best tips for combatting mosquitos. You responded with your anti-mosquito tips. Naturally, we will share them with you as well:
– Janny writes that there is little you can do to combat mosquitos. But mosquito bites can be dabbed with vinegar or toothpaste to soothe the itch.
– Mike makes a paste of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with water and daubs this on the mosquito bites. (He uses this for wasp stings as well.)
– Joop has a tip for itchy mosquito bites as well. He writes that it is possible to take paracetamol or an allergy pill.
– Marianne shares that taking vitamin B1 helps to keep mosquitos at bay.
– Bas keeps the mosquitos away with an insect repellent.
If your best anti-mosquito tip is not included in this article, you can share it below. You could help other campers in this way
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